Local & Wider Ministry

Community Christmas Lunch:

Each year Harrington Community Church hosts and sponsors a festive Christmas lunch for members of the local community who might otherwise not be able to celebrate Christmas with family or friends.

Our singing group “Jamming for Jesus” – performing Christmas Carols at the Community Lunch.

Spring Holiday Kid’s Club:

Harrington kid’s club is held in the second week of the school holidays in October. It is a cooperative effort of the four local churches working together with a small team of experienced leaders from Scripture Union NSW. The 2024 edition will be held on Tuesday to Friday morning from 7 – 11 October 2024, wrapping up with a special lunch/concert on Friday for the children and their parents & carers.

Soccer, singing, poison ball, puppet shows, bible stories, craft, bottle rockets and more were among the activities in 2023 (photos above). Thanks to all who helped make it happen and to the kids who attended for sharing your holidays with us. We had a great time — we hope you did too! Hope to see you and your friends next time.

Samburu Mission:

Harrington Community Church supports the practical ministry and Christian outreach amongst the Samburu people of Northern Kenya led by former Harrington resident, Mick Alley.

Operation Christmas Child:

Operation Christmas Child is a worldwide ministry that shares love and the good news of Jesus by providing a shoebox full of toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts to children who would otherwise miss out.